Magic Mortgage is an exclusive mortgage brand that is run by Bharat Verma, a Mortgage broker licensed out of BC and Alberta, that specializes in securing fast approvals and low-interest rates for our clients.

Yes, our services are completely free. We do not charge any fee or commission from our clients.

We have access to a wide range of mortgage products from various lenders, which means they can help you find the best loan options and interest rates to fit your unique financial situation.

We are able to process a high volume of clients and obtain preferential rates from lenders by using our streamlined mortgage application, which ensures accurate and efficient processing of applications.

No. Your dedicated mortgage broker will contact you to discuss the next steps after your application is submitted. We do not perform any credit checks that could potentially impact your credit score without obtaining your explicit consent.

It may be more difficult to get approved for a mortgage with bad credit, but it is still possible. Your mortgage broker can help you explore your options and find lenders who may be willing to work with you.

If you planning to buy a home soon, we can reserve your rate for up to 120 days upon completion of your application.
Yes, self-employed individuals can still qualify for a mortgage. We can help you navigate the process and find a lender who can work with your self-employment income.
Yes! Visit our website or book your consultation with one of our experienced brokers to find out how we can help you. You can also give us a call at +1 (123) 456-7890

Yes, the credit check that’s part of our online pre-approval process will show up as an inquiry on your credit bureau report and impact your credit score. This is standard for pre-approval processes with all financial institutions.

Keep in mind, multiple mortgage inquiries within a 45-day period will have that same credit score impact as one mortgage inquiry. This allows you to shop for the best mortgage without the stress of negatively impacting your credit score.

You can buy your first home with as little as 5% down payment (house value up to $500k). For Home priced over $500k (next $500k – $1M) you require minimum 10% down payment and any Home priced above above a million required 20% down payment (on amounts over 1M).

Yes, we have lenders who can offer Mortgages without a “Canadian credit history” based on your credit history of your “home country”.

Work Permit holders are eligible to buy a property and can get a Mortgage with our lenders. The recent amendment to Foreign Buyers Ban exempts work permit holders from buying a property.

Get a personal consultation.

Call or text us today at (604) 445-2660
